Ingrown toenails are a common problem, affecting people of all ages, and something we see on a daily basis.
In 2011, The Podiatry Practice decided to develop a special clinic to provide comprehensive management of acute and chronic ingrown toenails to address what appeared to be a real lack of clinical services for this problem. The Ingrown Toenail Centre is a service delivered by our podiatrists to assess and treat these problems from start to finish. Click here visit The Ingrown Toenail Centre website.
Ingrown toenails are characterised by pain along the edge of the toenail in the groove that the nail edge sits (the sulcus) which is often accompanied by an infection of the soft tissues around the nail. |
Ingrown toenails are characterised by pain along the edge of the toenail in the groove that the nail edge sits (the sulcus) which is often accompanied by an infection of the soft tissues around the nail.
In rare instances ingrown toenails can lead to serious infections that can affect the bones in the toe and lead to long term use of antibiotics. Commonly the ingrown toenail has some degree of deformity in it which is usually related to an old injury or congenital problem and this becomes the basis for ongoing and recurrent toenail pain and nail infections. For more information, visit The Ingrown Toenail Centre website.
Here is a short video montage from our Youtube Channel of the procedure involved in long term management of ingrown toenails (NB surgical procedure – please don’t view if offended by medical procedures) :
How long does it take to recover from ingrown toenail surgery?
For most people who have good blood flow and no other significant health problems, the wounds from ingrown toenail surgery usually heal up within about 2 weeks. If you are older, or a smoker, this will take longer. Usually a large bandage is required for the first couple of days, then followed by simple light dressings, and eventually just a simple Bandaid.
How painful is ingrown toenail surgery?
The phenol matrixectomy procedure (considered the most reliable approach) usually produces very little pain afterwards. Most people will take some simple pain relief such as paracetamol (Panadol) and ibuprofen (Nurofen) for 24 to 48 hours. Rest and elevation greatly reduces the discomfort.
Can I wear shoes after ingrown toenail surgery?
We recommend wearing a thong or open toe sandal for the first day or two until the bandages come off. After that, a loose fitting closed in shoe can be worn.