A New Way of Testing for Fungal Nails

Introducing the 5 minute in-clinic fungal nail test, now available at The Podiatry Practice in Brisbane. If you or a loved one has ever had a discoloured nail you may know that testing for fungus is a tricky task. It usually involves your podiatrist taking a specimen, making an appointment with the GP for a […]


Ankle instability (weak ankles)

Ankle sprains and strains (weak ankles) – The Podiatry Practice Brisbane Do you ever find yourself walking along and feel unstable? Have you ever injured yourself in an ankle sprain? Ankle sprains are commonly seen by podiatrists, ranging from adolescents through to adulthood. The most common type of ankle sprain is an inversion sprain relating […]


Shockwave therapy can help with healing stubborn injuries

Shockwave Therapy Brisbane | The Podiatry Practice Woolloongabba What is shockwave therapy? Shockwave therapy is a relatively recent medical technology which can be used to successfully treat many common soft tissue injuries. The technology has its roots in the field of lithotripsy – where large extra coroporeal shockwave therapy units (usually in large hospitals) typically treat conditions such […]


No out-of-pocket cost additional orthotics | Brisbane podiatrists

The Podiatry Practice is committed to bringing our existing patients the best value possible for custom made orthotics. So, if you currently have custom made Orthema orthotics from us, and you would like an additional pair then we are please to announce that we can now supply these to our patients with eligible private health […]

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What does a podiatrist do? Podiatrist Brisbane Woolloongabba

Despite many years of educating our patients about the different types of health services that podiatrists provide, we still are constantly amazed by the low level of knowledge amongst the community and other health professions about what does a podiatrist do. To answer to this question, its important to understand the evolution of the podiatry […]

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Elementor #167

Computerised Gait Analysis – A powerful diagnostic aid Our practise utilises the latest in high-tech computerised gait analysis. The TOG GaitScan System is a state-of-the-art foot pressure assessment tool, which is linked to sophisticated software to enable us to accurately assess your foot and gait function for specific problems. This allows us to analyse the […]


Flat Feet in Children

Flat feet in children. How our Brisbane podiatrists can help. Children are often born with flexible flat feet that will generally develop a normal arch during the first ten years of life. Before the age of three, there is a fat pad in the inside arch of the foot that acts to hide the arch. […]


Plantar warts

How to get rid of plantar warts? At The Podiatry Practice, we have many people come in complaining of a wart that they cannot get rid of. Usually these difficult warts are on the soles of their feet and they have tried all sorts of paints and over-the-count treatments to remove them. So why is […]


Sever’s Disease | The Podiatry Practice Brisbane The most common cause of heel pain in children is due to the disturbance or damage of the growth plate at the rear of the heel bone (Calcaneus). This condition is known as Sever’s disease or calcaneal apophysis. It occurs when an increased load is placed on the […]

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