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Wart Treatment
Our expert Brisbane Podiatrists provide revolutionary SWIFT treatment for stubborn plantar warts.

What are plantar warts?
Warts are due to a viral infection affecting the skin (human papillomavirus {HPV}). They are quite prevalent in children who have reduced immune defenses, and adults who might be unwell or with altered immune function. A plantar wart (picture below) is different to warts that appear in other parts of the body, because the main body of the wart appears under the skin, rather than on top – thus making them painful to walk on. Plantar warts can be stubborn and traditional treatments such as acid therapy are often time consuming and painful. Our Brisbane Podiatry clinic offers SWIFT microwave therapy as a less painful, fast and effective treatment for plantar warts.
What is SWIFT?
SWIFT microwave therapy is an innovative new treatment for warts providing a less painful alternative to uncomfortable cryotherapy, acid paint and surgery treatments. SWIFT is a safe medical microwave technology that is highly effective at resolving warts, verrucae or papillomas. Treatment is completed in minutes, no anaesthetic and no dressings required. SWIFT is especially effective for warts that have been resistant to other treatments, due to its unique stimulation of the immune system.

Do you have a stubborn plantar wart? Normal treatments haven't worked?
Call us on 3391 3900 or book online to see one of our expert Brisbane Podiatrists.

Frequently asked questions
How many treatments will I need? The number of treatments is dependent on how you respond to treatment, however most patients require 3 treatments or less. Treatments are performed monthly.
Is there much down time after treatment? No. One of the great benefits of SWIFT is no down time from sports or daily activities. There is typically no need for dressings or after care.
How safe are microwaves? Microwaves are a form of non-ionising radiation, which means that they cannot cause damage to the DNA of living things. SWIFT uses very low energy levels that are only able to vibrate water molecules within skin cells.
Can anyone have SWIFT treatment? Most patients are suitable for SWIFT treatment except for those who are pregnant, have a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator, or who have metal implants in close proximity to the lesions being treated. Our expert Brisbane Podiatrists perform a pre-treatment assessment on all patients who are a candidate for SWIFT treatment.
Will it hurt? Most patients experience only moderate discomfort with SWIFT treatment, lasting for only a second.

Have your warts treated by our expert Brisbane Podiatrists
Clinic address: The Podiatry Practice, Suite 11 Taylor Medical Centre, 40 Annerley Road Woolloongabba QLD 4102 (near the Mater Hospital precinct)
Email: admin@podiatrypractice.com.au
Call: 3391 3900