The Podiatry Practice is pleased to partner with BUPA, as one of only a handful of BUPA Members First Podiatrists in Brisbane.
For BUPA Members this means that you can receive exceptional discounts on Initial and Standard Consultations, along with improved rebates for services such as custom foot orthoses.
As is stated on the BUPA Members First website, the advantages of this program include;
- More money back* – Already have a favourite dentist? No problem – you can claim back on visits as long as they are a Bupa recognised provider. But it’s worth knowing that when you visit a dental, optical, physio, podiatry and chiro provider in our Members First network, you’ll generally get more money back on most services. You’ll also receive greater value each year for glasses, frames and contact lenses purchased at Members First optical stores.
- No surprises – Depending on your cover, you’ll get 60% to 100% back on most dental, optical, physio, chiro and podiatry visits when you claim (up to your yearly limits)*
- Gap free for kids** – most of your kids’ dental, physio and selected podiatry consultations are gap free at Members First providers until they turn 25. Selected optical packages are also gap free for the whole family. This means you’ll pay nothing extra for things like your kids’ dental check-ups and a selected range of glasses up to your yearly limits*
- Instant, easy claiming – At many Members First providers, you can simply swipe your Bupa membership card and your claim will be processed on the spot with no paperwork for you to complete.
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