November 28, 2014

Needle phobia? Our Brisbane podiatrists can help with sedation to reduce anxiety.

No one has ever said to our podiatrists that they enjoy getting an injection in their foot. However, for some people, needle phobia is a very real and distressing concern, which may mean they avoid getting certain treatments because of a deep fear of the possibility of having an injection like a local anaesthetic.

Neuroma injection2

Neuroma injection

Our practice has always been very conscious of this, and we do our best to cater for patients with needle phobia. We take a proactive role in managing needle phobia.

Some of the techniques we use include;

  • using equipment and manual techniques to reduce the pain of the injection (eg small diameter needles, and skilled administration techniques)
  • topical anaesthesia prior to injection (eg EMLA and ethyl chloride spray)
  • clinical psychological techniques to distract and reduce anxiety associated with injections
  • medications to reduce anxiety and discomfort associated with the injection

Our podiatrists are able to assist with the use of certain medications that can assist reduce the fear and pain of injections, for example;

  • oral benzodiazepine medication (to reduce anxiety)
  • inhalation analgesia (eg Penthrox – aka “the green whistle” [methoxyflurane] to reduce anxiety and pain

So, if you have a real fear of injections, and worry that a trip to the podiatrist to fix something like a painful ingrown toenail is too distressing, please contact us and we can put your mind at ease.


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